Wednesday, February 25, 2009

She's seven!

My sweet girl, she is seven today!  This is the first year you had a plan and you are a go-getter!  You decided that you would buy the American Girl doll of the year with your birthday money and you saved every dollar until you had her paid for!  I am so proud of you!  It was with pure joy that you took hold of your Chrissa doll for the first time!  You loved your scooter and roller-blades and all your new clothes.  You really had a fabulous day, but of course, you always have a good time, no matter what!  I hope that next year, we can give you that big party you've been hoping for!  You are so precious to me, my little Honey Bunny girl!
So, here's to you, on your seventh birthday:
  • You have branched out from pink and now love aqua blue!  Love your new Mary-Jane Crocs in that color!
  • You are such a hard worker, you never quit or give up.  You like to say that mistakes are opportunities to learn.  You inspire your mom, a lot!
  • You play so sweetly with Abby and Sam.  They look up to you and it's with good reason!
  • You love to learn new ways to be helpful and you rarely ever complain!  In this household, that is pretty remarkable!
  • You are friends with everyone you meet!  
  • You loved soccer, but maybe next time you want to try.... golf???  
  • Ballet is good, very good!
  • You are a girl in motion, no sitting around for you.
  • You are such a smarty, I love listening to you read-aloud!
  • I am amazed at the drawings you are starting to do, they are very well done!
  • You are calm, cool and collected like your Daddy.
  • Jack learned your name first, that says a lot!
  • You and Kaden will always be best friends, I hope.
  • I wish you all good things and great friends, you give us all so much joy!  It is my privilege to be your mother and grow to know you more each day!

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